The case of the triple viral vaccine

Autism vs Vaccines Myth or Reality?

By: María Gabriela Gómez S.

Autism, according to the Manual Diagnosis and Statistics of Mental Disorders in its version 5, is defined as “a series of biological disorders of development that have to do with three domains of symptoms: social, communication, and repetitive behaviors.”

After the last revision, we can only speak of spectrum Disorder of Autism where general disorder of development is included, the Asperger’s Syndrome, the Autistic disorder, and the Childhood disintegrative disorder.

Since several years ago, it has created a great controversy with a supposed relationship between triple Vaccine (rubella, parotitis, and Autism), but according to recent studies has verified that there is no scientific evidence

“Many people related the preservative that had the vaccine, which is a component of mercury called Timerosal, and which contains Ethymercury, and many related it to the Methylmercury that is a neurotoxic but never has been used as a preservative of vaccine” says Hernán Fermín, pediatrician.

Specialists in the Nordic countries related the application of the triple-viral vaccine for children with one year of age and the appearance of Autism, however, after withdrawal, the Thimerosal component of the immunizations observed that the increase in cases of autism continued.

“This may be due to multiple factors because by 1992 much more was discovered about autism, there was more information about the diagnosis of the disease and because autism can not be treated as an isolated entity, it should be treated with a social club, neurologists, pediatricians, teachers, etc “, explains Fermín.

False investigation

The alleged investigation that caused the international uproar over the subject of the vaccine and autism was discredited by the medical guild in the United Kingdom.

“Dr. Wakefield took a very small data of patients to have reliable information, all the data was taken not from molecular or genetic studies, but only from parents’ experience. It cannot be cataloged as autism with only questions to the parents. Study of 12 patients and only one coincided with the base of Autism “, highlights the specialist in pediatrics

Source: Dr. Hernán Fermín. Pediatrician.



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