Beauty for your face!
Beauty for your face!
The demands of our facial skin will always be different with each passing season. The air temperature, humidity, hours of sunshine or external agents such as pollution or chlorine require adapting the beauty routine to the needs of our skin. “I am IT. SkinCare. I have extensive experience and passion for the care and beauty of our face.”
When I immigrated to this nation, I brought my dreams to succeed in the personal care and beauty industry. I longed for it with great enthusiasm. In my home country, I managed an aesthetic center in addition to working 7 years in health at the Santa de Ana Clinic. I never lost focus and I constantly searched and looked for information on how to rejoin the world of beauty care and succeed in the personal care business. Thanks to generous friends I started this career at the Academy “La Belle Beauty” where I obtained my first license in “Special Facials.” From that moment on my entrepreneurial dream was fueled and blessed by the grace and favor of God. At this moment I had the prophetic realization “That my hands were meant to beautify and my voice to impart love.” This has become the hallmark of my business and everything I do.
One of my favorite treatments and of my clients is hair-by-hair eyelash extensions. It is my favorite because none of the other facial treatments provide such a noticeable change in the client’s appearance like the effect of successful application of eyelash extensions. The reason I want to talk about eyelash extensions is due to the taboo regarding this kind of treatment. In my experience, I have seen great evolution in terms of materials and techniques that may improve a healthy look of our eyes even for those people with different sensitivities and those who wear contact lenses. Having “perfect eyelashes” is not a risk nor an exaggeration. It is the trendy that makes you look fabulous, youthful, and elegant.