Todo fluye mejor cuando nuestros espacios están en orden Tidy and Clean Todo fluye mejor cuando nuestros espacios están en orden Sí tu casa o lugar de trabajo luce atiborrado de cosas y desordenado, es probable que necesites los servicios de una empresa como Tidy and...
Georyana Aravena cares for and treats your skin Georyana Aravena cuida y trata tu piel La búsqueda de la belleza es la visión de New Live beauty Spa, un establecimiento dirigido por la dermocosmeatra, esteticista y masajista Georyana Aravena, una profesional con 20...
Skin care and our self-esteem Interview Dr. Naim Dah Dah Skin care and our self-esteem Interview Dr. Naim Dah Dah Learning to live Magazine in the person of Nancy Beterzelian (N.B.) spoke with Dr. Naim Dah Dah (N.D.), a specialist in aesthetic, regenerative and...
Cholesterol, a silent risk Dr. Jorge Matos Today we meet Dr. Jorge Matos, here on “Calle 8”, we are going to leave him the location, he will be talking to us about a very important topic. In this edition I would like you to talk to us about a very controversial topic,...
Answering your basic questions What is CBD? By Dr Ángel Carrasco Its beneficial actions extend throughout the whole body acting upon cannabinoids receptors in the brain, muscles, endocrine glands, neve, bones, intestine as well. One of its more important functions in...
Antiaging Medicine – Dr Uffelman – Rejuvchip About us Dr Uffelman The diverse community of South Florida is an exciting place, full of the energy and ideasof the people who call it home. This diversity and excitement, some 20 years ago,appealed to the...