How to be calm in a stressful situation

Keeping calm

during stress

By: María Gabriela Gómez S.

Being upset all day, answering obtrusively to a question, feeling constant pressure for any situation, magnifying problems and not seeing a solution, and feeling pain in certain parts of the body, are just some alarms that you could be under the effects of stress. “Stress is a process that begins when a person perceives a threatening situation and sees himself without the resources to face it and begins to manifest a series of changes at a physical and emotional level preparing his body to face this situation”, says psychologist Eliette Hallak.

The number of consultations for stress is increasing, and specialists say that the first cause is the problems of couples and divorce, followed by work stress which in turn is associated with the third reason on the list, the current economic situation.


Stress, rather than a momentary situation, can become a permanent problem leaving consequences in the body that manifest in three levels. Those who are in stressful situations for a long time can get to manifest physical problems such as heart disorders, tightness in the chest, upset stomach (diarrhea or constipation), and sweating in the hands. But they also face psychological and behavioral manifestations: they are irritable, fluctuate emotionally, have nervous laughter or cry caused by nothing, anxiety, and depression. They grind their teeth and may have problems in sexual performance with the couple.

Psychological Alternative

Although sometimes stress is not considered a real problem, specialists recommend diversity of treatments from a psychological point of view and also incorporating activities that involve distraction.

“Evaluate what really produces stress, which (situation) is the most disturbing and attack that problem. There are situations that we can solve and change, but there are others that we can not. Since we can not change them, we have to perceive them in another way, and see them from another point of view, without bothering them and without feeling that they surpass me,” explains psychologist, Hallak.


The situation of stress is exaggerated when the person does not see an exit to his problem, this is also trying in consultation with different resources. “Cognitive work is done to help them understand the problem and why they feel overwhelmed. They are given the tools to solve problems so that they can give a different, much more objective solution of how they are evaluating the situation. A modification of thought is made, and relaxation and breathing techniques are offered that help control heart rhythms that help to be more objective, “Hallak describes.

Walking on the beach is another way to acquire it, in addition to relaxing, by releasing stress, you avoid producing free radicals. You can do cardiovascular exercises, walk and be exposed to the sun when it is softer. At the end of the afternoon from 5-6 pm when the sun goes down, we can expose ourselves there for 20 to 30 minutes; no more.
Vitamin D is found artificially in tablets that we can buy in pharmacies, but we can also absorb it through a peach! A serving of 2 to 3 peaches a day will suffice to receive a contribution of vitamin D, especially in mid-morning snacks to activate circulation. Mango is also wonderful, this tropical fruit is rich in polyphenols and antioxidants that gives us vitamin D.

Orthomolecular Medicine
When our body is functioning perfectly, another way to slow down aging is through the use of serums and therapies. Intravenous serums consist of preparing a common serum with certain trace elements that will respond to the needs of the patient.

Obviously this method requires a prior evaluation of the patient. We must know his age, previous controlled pathologies, how often he goes to the bathroom, how many liters of water he consumes per day, whether he has smoker habits, is an assiduous alcoholic drinker, how his routine is, sexual and physical activity, etc. Later development among other factors will be determined. For anti-aging medicine, all this data is relevant because each patient has a chronological and psychological age.



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