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That is, people expect women to be 90, 60, 90 and that is why we have consequences such as plastic surgery or self-loathing. We are used to seeing all those beautiful women on Pinterest and Instagram, and that is how our minds are lately concerned with following standards and bodies that are not ours. That is where we must have more self-love, and acceptance of our body, where our beauty is for us, and where love lives. As the woman that I am, I should not worry about my physical appearance, that is to say (don’t get me wrong) take care of yourself, love yourself and pamper yourself, but without changing your identity to please someone else, since even your health can be affected, always try to take care of those non-negotiable values and principles that make you the incredible person that you are. Every time you look in the mirror, feel proud of who you are, both outside and inside.
Because what’s the point of being the most beautiful woman in the world, if you don’t have principles, but above all if you don’t love yourself. When you understand that, you will realize that self-love becomes that beauty not only on the outside, but also on the inside that you were looking for. The best way to summarize this article is to detail what Audrey said, the place where love lives. Therefore, do not allow that place to darken, but make love radiate even in your eyes. And if they ask you what the reason is, you can answer: Self-love is equal to inner and outer beauty.
Brígida Díaz
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