Marital Happiness

How to achieve it? Dr. Oscar Vega


How to achieve it?

The first thing that every couple should do to enjoy a happy and
lasting marital relationship is to extend as much as possible the
courtship in order to get to know the specificities of the
personality of the chosen one, his character, tastes, hobbies,
aspirations, ideology, political and religious conceptions, his
criteria regarding the procreation and education of children,
economic situation, the way he socializes, etc. All this to be able
to finally decide if that person is the desired “better half”

The second thing is to understand that one does not marry God
but a simple mortal full of defects. Then, it is essential to appeal to tolerance and to be willing to forgive seventy times seven… remembering that the prayer says: “Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us”. In this way, it would be ideal to fall in love even with the imperfections of our spouse.

The gradual strengthening of affection, admiration and mutual
respect is of utmost importance in order to guarantee success in a relationship. Another determining factor to take into account is to maintain, at all times, a proper communication and to always expose the arguments in an ethical way.

Arguments are absolutely forbidden because it is known that no one has ever won one. We must always look for a solution to each problem and not vice versa. Although it may not be easy, the point is to find a middle ground that is favorable for both and for the relationship (which is the third factor in the equation in question).

Other things that are required to be excluded are: monotonies, jealousy, offenses, mistreatment and altered tone of voice. We also recommend not to invade each other’s privacy, to provide support as much as possible, especially with regard to household chores, and to agree on the role to be played by each partner.

A very magical golden rule that is infallible to maintain the well-being and permanent conjugal health is to ask your partner every morning the following question: “My love, what should I do today to make you happy? If you do this, I predict an incredibly beautiful relationship, until death do you part. Unfortunately, many couples end their marital commitment at any disagreement (ignoring the fact that we are all imperfect creatures). Then they decide to look for a new life partner, thus changing "devil" only to have to deal with the same or often worse “hell”. All of this, in most cases, can be avoided by seeking the help of a good therapist. Call us and check it out!

If you need a psychotherapist, please call: 786 333 2858

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