Relationship between gluten and hyperactivity
By: María Gabriela Gómez S
For a few years, the information about a possible relationship between a gluten-free diet and the supposed improvement in children with a diagnosis of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, has been in between said. Many specialists have being stating that the type of food does not cause these symptoms in infants, while others propose that eliminating certain types of food, will improve the behavior of children.
However there are specialists who say that the most important thing is to have a natural and remote feeding without chemical components. “People should avoid eating canned, artificial colors, artificial sugar and junk food. Many believe that it is only fat that causes obesity but it is the sugar, “explains Roberto Arreaza, Pediatrician and Nutritionist. The specialist also highlights that it is important to take into account the heritage and genetics of the family. Study what happened in the family and the diseases that have been presenting to prevent them.
Certain researchers in the United States United States proposed that Children with Hyperactivity Disorder and Attention Deficit (ADHD) should not consume food with gluten or dairy because their body could not process certain components of those foods like wheat or dairy. The “gluten free” diet was applied and immediately other studies emerged. Several specialists expressed their concern highlighting that when removing those foods of the daily diet, the nutritional level of these children, would not be complete. “To eliminate gluten from a child’s diet, you must first go through the base stage, that is, remove all the artificial components of their diet, and if symptoms of hyperactivity remain, move on to the next phase. Furthermore, you have to evaluate the family inheritance that will surely be allergic to gluten “, highlights Arreaza.
Experts point out that this type of diet is applicable when there are digestive disorders, but that in no case gluten will produce ADHD.
It depends on the case
Although a scientific evidence does not currently exist to endorse the elimination of gluten and casein to decrease or even cure the Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity disorder, some psychologists recognize that some families apply this option.
To take into account
Not all cases are the same. Remember that before changing the eating habits of the children you should ask your doctor or pediatrician and especially the nutritionist, or professionals who will evaluate in a detailed way whats best for your little ones
Source: Roberto Arreaza.