Solutions to Stress

All over the world, one of the most talked-about themes is stress. Even though when we mention stress, we get a nervous feeling; it is still widely talked about. However, if we use a serious scientific approach to analyze the majority of the literature discussing this topic, we will see that many times they limit themselves to purely theoretical analysis. They lack specific details and practical solutions to the problem

Stress affects all social groups and it is the root of many worldwide diseases.  This alarming situation has brought us the task of developing and systemizing a series of professional advice targeted for the non-specialized public in the form of a book. In this publication, the public will have specific therapeutic tools to be able to face the consequences of this convulsive experience we have to endure.

Educating ourselves on all the mysteries surrounding stress will in no way be a waste of time, a simple choice, or a luxury; this will become a modern necessity.  

The solution to stress is not found in analgesics, or in antidepressants, or in beta-blockers, or in tranquilizers. As an alternative to psychotropic medicine, our book offers a total of 155 different non-invasive solutions to stress. We intend to educate our readers about the tactics and strategies that should and can be applied to preserve their health when exposed to any stressor. The information presented is expected to help clarify the complex and multifaceted phenomenon of stress and to reveal what resources are available to stop suffering from it.

Change your life for good, by purchasing the text on “MÁS DE 100 SOLUCIONES AL ESTRÉS” (More than 100 Solutions to Stress)

Dr. S. Oscar Vega Gómez 

786 333 2858

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