Stress According to Sex
Stress According to Sex
Men and women interact in different way. This should be taken into account by couples in order to achieve a better understanding of their partner.
Women handle stress in a special way: they take care of themselves, protect their children and share with their friends. They are better prepared than men to deal with stress because the left
hemisphere of the brain predominates in them.
They are capable of self-control more, have a lower degree of aggressiveness and can better develop coping strategies than men.
Women’s organisms produce chemicals that provide them with great strength. They have estrogen, which magnifies the effects of oxytocin.
Her physiology causes her to experience three types of stress: pregnancy, menopause, and menstruation. If women don’t have the support of their friends, coworkers, or spouse at these difficult times in their lives, their stress will increase.
The female reading is usually more pessimistic. Stress affects their feelings and affects men in their behavior (they become aggressive, impulsive, and/or violent).
Women are more sensitive and therefore their self- esteem is more fragile. For them, the transcendent is the affective part of adversity; while for them the important thing is the effective repercussion of the same.
Subjected to the same intensity of stress, men suffer less if they are accompanied by their wives and vice versa (women suffer more if they are in the presence of their partners). If they are accompanied by their best friends, men suffer more stress while women suffer less. Men in similar conditions produce much more stress hormones than women and have a greater number of cardiovascular disorders. Their masculine potency is negatively affected and their sexual appetite decreases, which translates into: low self-esteem, anger, hostility and irritability. Approximately 8% of men and 20% of women develop a long lasting variety of post-traumatic stress.
Daughters suffer more from Caregiver Stress than sons when they have to care for sick parents (with whom they do not have good relationships).
Women calm down by consuming coffee, while men get upset when they ingest it.Women are more affected by marital stress, while men suffer more due to work stress.
Dr. Oscar Vega Gómez
Dr. Oscar Vega Gómez is a psychotherapist graduated from two German Universities. He is certified in the United States by the Foundation for the Study of the Mind. He is a member of the International Association of Counselors. For many years he has been a university professor. He is the author of numerous books on Stressology, Gelotology, Philosophy and the achievement of Happiness.