So, what can we expect as parents and how can we help our children adjust to this new normal? [wpas_products keywords=juegos+en+casa] Fall is such a lovely time of year. The afternoons get shorter, but the weather begs us to enjoy the outdoors a bit more. Families get...
What do we need to know so our children eat well in the summer? [wpas_products ASIN=1592338488,B01MY9L0J3] When the holiday season arrives, certain changes occur in the habits and nutrition of our little ones. Routines change and schedules become more flexible, this...
Taking care of yourself from childhood Preventive Oral health makes the difference By: María Gabriela Gómez S. There are people who think that mouth care starts with your first set of teeth appears. The truth is that since the very first day of birth, it is necessary...
Bullying, a growing problem Non-acceptance among children, how to handle it? By: María Gabriela Gómez S. Ring! Ring! The bell rings for recess time at school, all the children run excited to Enjoy breakfast, rest and wishing to have several minutes to play and run;...