Autism vs Vaccines myth or reality?

Autism vs Vaccines myth or reality?

The case of the triple viral vaccine Autism vs Vaccines Myth or Reality? By: María Gabriela Gómez S. Autism, according to the Manual Diagnosis and Statistics of Mental Disorders in its version 5, is defined as “a series of biological disorders of development...
Myths? Relationship of gluten with hyperactivity

Myths? Relationship of gluten with hyperactivity

Myths? Relationship between gluten and hyperactivity By: María Gabriela Gómez S For a few years, the information about a possible relationship between a gluten-free diet and the supposed improvement in children with a diagnosis of attention deficit and hyperactivity...
Myths and realities about human papillomavirus (HPV)

Myths and realities about human papillomavirus (HPV)

80% of women acquire the virus when they turn 50 Myths and realities about human papillomavirus (HPV) By: Dra. Sandra Milena Rodríguez Cárdenas. Gineco- Obstetra Much is said about this subject, certain things true and some false.  Identify myths and realities about...