The Power of Natural Healing
Integrative Clinic
The Power of Natural Healing
Integrative Clinic
The best of natural, conventional and traditional Chinese medicine is placed at the service of patients at Integrative Clinic, a health centre run by Colombian surgeon, homeopath and expert in acupuncture and ozone therapy, Freddy Duque.
“Our main objective is the wellbeing of the patients, in the preventive part and when the disease has already developed, we enter into protocols such as detoxification”, explained Duque.
He explained that they have German technology equipment that they use to measure inflammation in the different organs of the body and to carry out epigenetic tests, which measure all the nutritional part of the patient, with a sample taken from some hair.
He summarised that the study reveals the proportion of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fats and antioxidants in the body, as well as the toxicological part, and reveals possible metal or chemical intoxications and tolerance to substances such as gluten, monosodium glutamate and others.

“This allows us to tell the patient what they should or should not ingest,” explained the health professional.
Among the main pathologies they manage are chronic pain, cancer, chronic degenerative diseases, infammatory states, digestive and skin conditions.
The approach used is holistic and seeks to help reduce and control inflammation, detoxify the body and stimulate all the regenerative phases of the organism at the cellular level.
The use of Chinese herbs is combined with nutraceutical treatments, i.e. vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which are sometimes applied via intravenous serums. “What attracts me most to the practice of integrative natural medicine is the reduction of side effects, which are more common in traditional medicine,” he said.
Finally, he indicated that those interested in Integrative Clinic’s services can contact them by phone at 786 547 20 91, visit their website, or find them on Instagram at @fdintegrativeclinic or visit them directly at their headquarters located at 1470 NW 107 Ave, Suite A, Miami, Florida, between nine in the morning and six in the afternoon, Monday to Friday.
1470 NW 107 Ave, Suite A, Miami, Florida;