Mission, Objectives and Values

The Senior Care Foundation


The Senior Care Foundation is a 501©3 non-profit organization established in 2018 to inform, educate and empower seniors that are forced to live in impoverished households, live more productive lives. Our mission is to eliminate the root causes of hunger by finding and distributing bulk food and basic needs products particularly seniors 55 and over with programs that empower and improve their quality of life for them and their families.

Our vision is to provide social services and basic care and most assistance to the aging adults in the communities of Miami Dade, Broward and West Palm Beach in accordance with humanitarian principles so that all participants can live dignified lives. The Senior Care Foundation is looking forward to contributing the basic skills of our aging adults and their families, to strive to make a positive impact in the lives of others.

Our goal is to ensure that no one goes hungry as long as we have food and basic need items in our warehouse. The Senior Care Foundation believes in making a difference with everyone that comes through our doors for services.

Revista Salud y Bienestar #1 Sur de Florida Acerca del Dr Uffelman Rejuvchip


Our values is to engage our seniors in the communities that we serve to participate in fun enriching activities that will help keep them mentally, physically, and emotionally active. Our facility provides them with a safe, comfortable environment where they can have new experiences, have a chance to make new friends, develop new skills and health with knowledge of wellness. We treat them with dignity and respect. The food insecurities have always been problematic for seniors but during the COVID-19 pandemic seniors have been more seriously impacted with food insecurities particularly with the burden of having to feed and care for their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren because of the loss of jobs.

We also serve our senior’s battle against food insecurities by providing bulk food boxes daily from 11am until 4pm. They can also benefit from the health care support offered by the medical team at our facilities and participate in educational and recreational that nurture their minds and souls and this keeps them engaged as a lot of them live alone. We engage our seniors in the communities that we serve to participate in fun enriching activities that will help keep them mentally, physically, and emotionally active. Our facility provides them with a safe; we treat our clients’ dignity and respect.

Weekly Events:

The Senior Care Foundation has weekly activities with the seniors, Wednesday through Friday 11am to 2pm.

  • Nutrition Education for 6 weeks provided by the University of Florida/IFAS Extension.
  • Social Services Assistance
  • Recreational activities
  • Socializing
  • Hot Meals
  • Bulk food (daily)
  • Group Exercise
  • Arts and craft activities
  • Book clubs and much more

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Learning To Live Magazine Revista de Salud, Bienestar y Noticias


Telephone: +1 (786) 788-2064