The Taste Of The Food
It’s importance in the prevention and cure of Covid-19
Ayurveda in Sanskrit means “The Art of Living”. Different combinations of the five fundamental elements that compose all creation: ether, air, fire, water and earth; determine the Doshas or bioenergetic types.
The main Doshas are:
- Vata combination of ether and air
- Pitta combination of fire and water
- Kapha combination of earth and water
When the Doshas and their influences are balanced, the individual enjoys good psychological and physical health.
From the influence of the fundamental elements are also derived the six basic tastes of the elements, which are: sweet, bitter, astringent, spicy, sour and salty.
These flavors strengthen the Doshas that share the same element and reduce the effect of Doshas that do not contain them.
SWEET TASTE: Derived from the influence of the elements water and earth, therefore, increases Kapha and decreases Vata and Pitta. Example foods: grains, milk, sugars and carbohydrates.
BITTER TASTE: Derived from the influence of the elements ether and air, it increases Vata and decreases Pitta and Kapha (spinach and eggplant).
ASTRINGENT TASTE: Derived from the influence of the ether and earth elements, it increases Vata and decreases Pitta and Kapha (lentils, beans and some fruits).
SPICY TASTE: Derived from the influence of the elements air and fire, i.e., increases Vata and Pitta, decreases Kapha (hot peppers, pepper and ginger).
Sour TASTE: Derived from the influence of the elements fire and earth, thus increasing Pitta and Kapha and decreasing Vata (citrus fruits, yogurt and cheeses).
SALTY TASTE: Derived from the influence of the elements fire and water, therefore, it increases Pitta and Kapha and decreases Vata (common salt, vegetable and mineral too).
In the current Covid-19 crisis, we should look for no alterations of the Doshas, either excess or deficiency.
These alterations come from:
Ingestion of inappropriate foods: Meat.
Inappropriate lifestyle: smoking, drug and alcohol use.
Somos un canal que tiene como objetivo el bienestar físico, mental y espiritual del ser humano, trabajando con los elementos naturales y con la consciencia de las energías positivas que nos rodean. Con nuestros talleres buscamos la perfección de la mujer y el hombre, como simbiosis para alcanzar un mundo de paz y prosperidad.
Favor comunicarse
al teléfono:
+1 (754) 303-2505
Dra. Mynerva Modesta y MSc. Marysol Rangel