When to start orthodontic treatment
By: María Gabriela Gómez S.
Most malocclusion problems are verifiable between 8 to 13 years old. The human dentition is a biological system of development truly complex, at the same time depending on intrinsic and extrinsic factors that may produce dental malpositions.
Dental malpositions, also known as malocclusion, have a high reported presence in all countries according to different investigators; however, we don’t know much about the treatment needed presenting a low or no preventive measure or interceptive in children, it means treatments on teens and adults reach a high percentage.
Many parents ask themselves if their child is going to need orthodontics and more important what is the right age to take them to the orthodontist. This and many other questions have been posed since long ago and caused researches, controversies and discussion. Alternatives about this issue have wide variability: an early age intervention in primary dentition, or to wait until the eruption of all permanent teeth is completed.