Vocation… Youth Forever

Interview to Dr. Daniel Campos D.N.P.

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Where did your vocation for medicine come from, and why did you decide to support all people to achieve Youth Forever?

I think that ever since I could remember I always wanted to do what I do. I was a very sick child, I always say that I grew up in a hospital, my mother always stayed with me and sometimes they did not let toys in the ward because of the sanitary controls and I played with the empty bottles of the serum they used to give me, the plastic tubes, those were my toys.

It was not only my vocation, but all that exposure to the clinical environment was what shaped me as the professional I am today, I felt comfortable in this environment, I think it was the first approach to this world.

I started my career in Cuba, then I emigrated to the United States like so many other Cubans and here I started working as a nurse, I worked for many years as a nurse and this helped me a lot to understand the human side of this profession, it helped me to feel close to the patients. When you are a doctor, writing a prescription and then tell the patient ‘‘I will see you in a month’’, I think that, although important, is relatively easy. However, having worked as a nurse gave me another perspective on this profession and that’s when I really realized how much a human being can suffer. When you are in a hospital is our most vulnerable moment and all the experiences, I lived in that stage made me open much more my sensitivity and I created a different love for what I do.

I then pursued a master’s degree at the University of Miami in advanced practice where I was able to diagnose, prescribe, etc. Like any primary care physician. I then returned to Nova University in Fort Lauderdale where I completed my doctorate. My specialty and national certification is Adult and Elderly Primary Care, I have a fascination for the elderly, but what I don’t like is to see people sick, it shocks me to see someone dull, weak, that’s why I chose this subspecialty of cosmetic and anti-aging medicine because I believe that it is not to become older and live many years but to be older with quality and feeling happy about how you look and how you feel.

These were my beginnings and in a way my present. When I look back, I would not change anything. If I had to choose how to do what I do today I would choose the same path that made me the professional and the man I am today.

Joven para Siempre Dr Daniel Campo Revista Salud y Bienestar #1 Sur de Florida es - learningtolivemagazine.com - revista de salud y bienestar edicion primavera verano 2020 - ismael cala - dr. juan rivera - covid 19 - turismo - overcome the crisis

We love to see how experts like you are constantly in the media and social networks, providing helpful content to stay healthy and young. What motivated you to become a medical influencer?

Look, it’s very interesting. I got into the media really by chance. A good friend of mine told me they were looking for an expert on Telemundo to talk about anti-aging treatments; he asked me, “Would you be interested in going’’ and I said yes and that’s how it all started. We put together a topic, the first time I spoke about laser technology for facial rejuvenation on the morning show Hoy Dia which is broadcasted throughout the United States and part of Latin America, at that time it was called Un Nuevo Dia, that was my first push into the media, there I met wonderful people, in fact, today I am friends with all the hosts, and I have created links with the production team, that’s my home.

They believed in me, in my work, in what I project as a professional. Then came the proposal from People en Español where I have been contributing as a beauty and anti-aging expert for almost 2 years now. A unique opportunity since it is truly an honor for me to work with such an important and respected team of professionals in the industry.

It was unexpected but very welcome. I feel very comfortable educating the public and this has awakened an interest in professional Daniel in the media, be it television, radio or social networks, which is the media par excellence in the 21st century. I feel very comfortable educating the public and this has awakened an interest in the professional Daniel in the media, be it television, radio or social networks, which is the media par excellence of the 21st century. This has been my beginning: a friend, a push and Telemundo and People en Español who bet on me.

Of the patients you see on a daily basis, what is the biggest problem you notice in them? What is the most common thing you see?

I believe that so many people have an affinity with my work, because my nature as a professional is not to change who they are, I don’t like to change expressions, I don’t like to do any kind of procedure that changes the physical perception that those around us have of us.

One of the problems I see every day is that people get carried away too easily by fashion and come looking for procedures they don’t need. I am the opposite; I like to highlight their best qualities. For example, if someone has beautiful eyes, I try to make that attribute stand out. If a woman has a beautiful lip shape, instead of changing its shape I try to enhance it so that it shows even more naturally.

That’s why, when a patient comes to me and asks for something that I know goes against their appearance or against aesthetic standards of good taste, I tell them that I don’t think that’s the solution: Most people, especially celebrities, appreciate that. They appreciate that someone who not only has the skill or the technique, but also has the experience, and in a way the artistic eye, to see what goes with a face or not, gives them that opinion and they appreciate it and respect it very much. That’s why I think they keep looking for me and give me the care of their face.

Joven para Siempre Dr Daniel Campo Revista Salud y Bienestar #1 Sur de Florida es - learningtolivemagazine.com - revista de salud y bienestar edicion primavera verano 2020 - ismael cala - dr. juan rivera - covid 19 - turismo - overcome the crisis

What tips can you give us to stay healthy, active and young?

The interest in not growing old is ancestral. The quest for the fountain of youth is a constant in different cultures. Did you know that Florida was discovered by Ponce de Leon while he was searching for the fountain of youth? But the reality is that there is no way around aging, and the way in that we age is not the same for everyone either. So, the first thing I think we need to clarify is that anti-aging medicine does not aim to stop the aging process, but rather has as its goal to improve people’s quality of life and to give personalized advice to improve the quality of life. prevent diseases associated with aging in order to become a quality senior citizen and looking your best. That said, I think the most important thing is mood and nutrition. If you try at all costs to be happy no matter what life throws at you, it will be reflected in your face. Happiness is key to living a long and most importantly quality life. Likewise, nutrition, I don’t particularly believe in diets. As the saying goes, diets were made to be broken. What is important is to eat consciously, to understand that there are certain foods that go against our health and try to avoid them. I believe that being happy and eating conscientiously is the best recipe to stay active and young regardless of age.

Of the range of services you offer, which do you consider to be the most important and why?

In my office I offer a range of cosmetic and anti-aging treatments ranging from Botox, dermal fillers, thread lifts, etc. But without a doubt for me hormone optimization in the form of a “pellet” or “chip” is one of the most important treatments I offer. This treatment helps us with increased energy levels, more mental clarity, increased muscle tone and mass, increased libido, and helps to lose weight. It also has a protective effect on the brain, bones and heart. It is very important to note for women suffering from osteoporosis, this therapy helps to recover 8% of bone mass per year. So, for me this treatment is very important because I am a true believer that beauty comes from within and if we feel good, we will look good too.

Joven para Siempre Dr Daniel Campo Revista Salud y Bienestar #1 Sur de Florida es - learningtolivemagazine.com - revista de salud y bienestar edicion primavera verano 2020 - ismael cala - dr. juan rivera - covid 19 - turismo - overcome the crisis

What motivated you to write your book Joven para sempre, and do you see it as a way to bring advice and strategies to people to stay and feel young?

My specialty is primary care for adults and seniors, so I know the aging process very well, so that transition to anti-aging was pretty easy for me, because since I know aging, I know exactly where to attack it. Within this specialty, there is a very large umbrella of things I do, from cosmetic treatments to helping plan a healthier lifestyle. But what gives me the most satisfaction is to be able to reach someone who comes to me with a hormonal imbalance, for example, depressed, with low energy, and to be able to transform that person into someone vital, into someone alive, I think that is very important for me. Of course, it also gives me great satisfaction to help improve the external part, these two things combined, internal and external wellbeing is the perfect combination to live longer and better. Actually, this desire to help others to look and feel young forever was the main driving force to write my first book Joven para Siempre.

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